消防员装备,DXZ型消防员装备,消防救援装备 消防员装备价格 DFX-1型消防员装备是根据《1974年国际海上人命安全公约1981年修正案》和《钢质海船入级与建造规范》的要求制造的,它配备了规范要求的个人装备和正压式空气呼吸器,是船舶必配的装备之一。产品经中国船级社检验,有CCS船检证书。 消防员装备主要技术参数 序号 Ordinal NO. 名称 Name 技术参数 Technical 数量 Amount 备注 Remark 1 防护服 Heat-insulation suit 铝箔复合阻燃材料,10KW/m2辐射热源照射30S后,其内表面温升不大于25℃ It is constructed by an aluminum foil compound flame-resisting material; the raise of inner temperature of the suit is not higher than 25℃ after it is shined 30 seconds by a 10kw/m heat radiator. 1套 1 set 包括上衣、裤子、脚套、手套、CCS证书 It consists of jacket, pants, foot cover, glove and CCS certificate 2 正压式空气呼吸器 Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing 气瓶工作压力30MPa The air cylinder operation pressure is 30 MPa 1套 1 set CCS证书及合格证书 A CCS certificate and a quality certificate 3 耐火绳 Flame-resisting life-saving line 40米 40m 1套 1 set CCS证书及合格证书 A CCS certificate and a quality certificate 4 防爆灯 Explosion-proof lamp 照明时间大约3个小时 The minimum light period of 3 hours. 1盏 1 set CCS证书及合格证书 A CCS certificate and a quality certificate 5 太平斧 Axe 绝缘耐压 High-voltage insulation 1把 1 set — 6 安全头盔 Rigid helmet 耐穿刺 It can effectively protect against impact and stabbing. 1** 1 set — 7 消防靴 Boots of rubber 防滑、抗穿刺、耐酸碱 Slip-proof, stab-proof, and acid and alkali-resistant 1双 1 pair — 8 安全带 Safety Belt — 1根 1 set —